Naturally Healthy May is Here!

Naturally Healthy May is Here!

Devon Voluntary Action and our partner organisations are helping Active Devon to celebrate Naturally Healthy May, part of Devon’s Naturally Healthy initiative led by Active Devon and Devon County Council on behalf of the Devon Local Nature Partnership. Naturally...
The DeVA Digest Newsletter is back!

The DeVA Digest Newsletter is back!

Devon Voluntary Action is relaunching its newsletter!  Our DeVA Digest newsletter, which has been on hiatus in recent years, is being bought back just in time for 2024. Newsletters will be released multiple at multiple times throughout the year, and will alternate...
Devon Connect’s New Events Calander

Devon Connect’s New Events Calander

Devon Connect has now launched an Events Calander so that you can stay up-to-date with upcoming activities in your local area. Devon Connect’s new Events Calander makes it easier than ever for users to find activities that support residents of Devon’s communities...
Upcoming Training for Devon Connect

Upcoming Training for Devon Connect

Active Devon will soon be offering Free online training for Devon Connect & Joy!In collaboration with Devon Voluntary Action and Joy, Active Devon will be providing an introduction to these two platforms, which are both being used within communities and health...